

Freelancing is a positive work prospect for many since it allows individuals to manage their work schedule on their own time; as long as the deadlines are met. Moreover, it also allows you to work from anywhere you want, such as the beach or the mountains. However, this may also bring a sense of uncertainty, especially when thoughts about the future are involved. Here are some tips for surviving and thriving as a freelancer.

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According to an estimate, the global freelance economy will grow at a "15.3 %" CAGR between now and 2026. With the advent of the gig economy, you can take advantage of the inevitable changes that have occurred in the corporate world. Reduce costs while increasing business efficiency and effectiveness with innovative gig-based work.

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Requesting a rate hike may result in losing a client. At the same time, freelancers need to know their true worth. Also, the freelancer rate must justify the value a freelancer delivers to their clients.

Moreover, the process of increasing freelancing rates is easy to master. But before we try to learn how to increase freelance rates, it is necessary to know why to do so.

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